Post by Nicole Irene on May 20, 2011 20:20:12 GMT -5
Hello all,
I have been reading for days and I need some *really* basic questions answered.
*5 acres in central CA (outside of Sacramento)
*2 pigs (Berks....they may be due July 4th, but we really have no idea, it was our, er, Hubby's, first attempt at AI)
*2 Nigerian dwarfs (cause they are just too cute)
*lots of chicks (that my daughter incubated) and others that are layers, all free range and we have to fight the pup for the eggs (and, wow, she is good at finding them!)
*2 ducks (cause they are cute and they were supposed to hang out at the pond, but are apparently opposed to water)
*3 rescue kitties and 1 other kitty
*3 dogs (the egg stealing cocker spaniel, our 13 year old SPCA and our 2 month old Great Pyrenees/Akbash to help combat our neighboring egg-stealing fox)
*6 Jacob sheep (food and lawn mowers, though not so good at the latter)
*1 cranky old Arabian for my daughter to learn horse back riding (he is awful with everyone but her)
....and, the cutest cow ever!! ;D Ok, I am biased, I know. Oh, and she is a jersey due in June.
Ok....having said all that....
hubby and I are both teachers with a passion for self sufficiency and we have finally managed to start our little hobby farm. I do consider it a hobby as we both work outside the home and it is costing us a ton of money.
Anyhow, we are trying to start "growing" food for our pigs. I don't particularly care for having to buy corn that is most likely GM. Unfortunately, organic in our area is very expensive. So, we are trying to start providing food for our pigs in the way of milk, pasture, home grown squash, apples and almonds.
As for the questions:
Now, for some reason I thought that jerseys were good at converting pasture to milk, but I guess that isn't the case? Does being in a moderate climate like the central valley of California make a difference?
I think we have more weeds at this point than "pasture". We have a ton of foxtails. Awful for our cocker. Anyhow, we bought 50 lbs of multi-purpose pasture seeds, but (brace for the really dumb, er, naive, question), how the heck do we plant an acre of seeds??? We have no tractor. I was thinking of letting the pigs tear down one area and then just throwing down the seeds?? Do we need to make sure the weeds are mowed down? Do we have to rent a tractor and till?
Thanks in advance!!